Interesting which games showed up in this survey amongst other evidence

As a massive Dreamcast fan, I couldn't be more thrilled to hear that SEGA might be considering rebooting two of their most iconic franchises: Crazy Taxi and Jet Set Radio, and House of the Dead! These games hold a special place in the hearts of gamers worldwide, alongside giants like Sonic and Soul Calibur. And with the latest rumors of a Crazy Taxi reboot, I can't help but feel excited at the prospect of revisiting these beloved worlds, but still reserving my judgement until I see SEGA’s actual monitization plans.

SEGA’s Survey that started these rumors

Recently, SEGA shared a survey via their Sega Insights Lab to gather information about players' interest in their popular franchises. Among the list of games included were Crazy Taxi, Jet Set Radio, House of the Dead, and Judgment. Participants were asked to indicate whether they had never heard of a game, heard of it but never played it, or played it before.

Although fans have had the opportunity to revisit these worlds through the 2011 Dreamcast Collection, the lack of sequels has left a void… a void inside of me, of you, of all of us that love these games. The Crazy Taxi franchise has experimented with other ventures, such as the management simulation game Crazy Taxi Tycoon, but nothing compares to the original. Bloomberg reports that we can expect to see these sequels in the next three years, and I can't wait to see what they have in store.

This survey is likely just a routine market research effort, but the return of Crazy Taxi and Jet Set Radio is certainly something to keep an eye on. Rumors of a full reboot for these franchises emerged in April of last year, with SEGA reportedly hoping to “replicate the success of other cartoonish games like Fortnite.” What I am NOT a fan of though, is SEGA’s apparent plan to create thriving online communities through the use “recurring revenue sources.” I am NOT a fan of micro transactions, PLEASE SEGA, DO NOT TARNISH WHAT WE LOVE! ”thanks”- me, 2023

For me, I’m in love with the idea of some BRAND NEW versions, or even remakes of these ABSOLUTE CLASSICS! Still really hoping they dont get bogged down with micro-transactions, but regardless of what happens, you KNOW I’ll still be here playin the originals on my original Dreamcast!